Homestead (song) and
Antiope: Zeitgeber IV (poem)
A Live Performance
at Lost Bag (Providence, RI)
June 12, 2024
Homestead (song) and
Antiope: Zeitgeber IV (poem)
A Live Performance
at Lost Bag (Providence, RI)
June 12, 2024
...that is where the whole
world notices a change in the air
aloneside muted birdsong
It’s like how the pool in front of my apartment is
the same color as the sky. Its depths abide
until finally greeting another foot under
Such a lapse might submerge us
depending on the time our bodies have
already ruptured
Sister spring, pik an entrance
through the cool surface
spill out its slowest depths
for the decline
for the steps of the region
We know how
how to follow the strength fallen in danger out
That feel at home
when I’m alone
when I’m alone with my friends